About Us

The V360 roster is made up of team of professionals with years of collaboration together as independents who because of a substantial opportunity, decided to form a capital markets advisory partnership. We embrace speculative risk to develop commercial real estate, economic growth and infrastructure projects that most firms aren’t wired for. 

We Are Create A Capital Markets Advisory Firm That Is

Entrepreneurial & Vertically Integrated.

Our mindset and unwavering faith in the impossible is the power of V360. As a company, we’re vertically integrated, purpose-driven, with passion for excellence looking to collaborate with market makers who endeavor to drive a mission of growth and development across the same market sectors in our corporate vision.

Our Brand Strategy Highlights The Need For Critical Thinking & The Adoption Of A

Fully Circumspect
View Of Opportunity.

We carefully consider all circumstances and possible consequences of risk taking in our business practices. We live in a world of blurred lines where fact is fiction, truth is rarely seen, and suspicion in the new religion. Consequently, new opportunities are missed entirely, or expectations of success aren’t realized for a myriad of reasons. Lack of ethics, exploitation, poor execution, lack of courage, or insufficient capital. We endeavor to team with professionals and partners who know the value of allowing circumspection be a driver in all decision making as stewards.

The inclusion of 360 in our brand name is to reinforce this point, while the letter V emphasizes our impact in materially changing the Velocity, Value, Visibility of money.  

While Talent + Tools + Temperament Are Critical, Our Strategy and Execution Is

Driven By A Strong Ethical Core.

The underpinning of our company’s DNA is a business model merged with values based leadership committed to excellence. We relegate our growth ambitions to meet the expectations we set for ourselves, clients and partners.

We bring 150+ years of innovative work in structured finance, the capital markets, investment banking, arbitrage, land and energy development. With outside trade partners and a network of global private equity firms and family offices, we offer exceptional resources for market makers to take advantage of.

When You Win Big, We Win Big.

Our Model & Mission,
Is Free Of Conflict.

We’ve been to war enough over the years with significant wins and the occasional loss which taught us to build a business model free of conflict.

Our vision is driven by a singular focus to serve up growth in the balance sheet, performance, portfolio, equity and reputation of the market makers in market sectors that we find compelling. We’re very resourceful, persuasive with a temperament you can rely on.

Real Estate + Urban Growth + Infrastructure + AI Based Ventures + Clean Energy + Oil & Gas

Real Estate Vision

Mixed Use Real Estate Development Focus Includes An Emphasis On Housing Demand 

We’re driving more sustainable real estate development with 150% better financial performance at the core of our ambitions. Our company will forge alliances with proven developers seeking to find interim and permanent financing. The portfolio’s we help create will carry the distinction of having better performance, value and exit price. This is due to proven a framework and development model with a 15 year history that delivers three and a half times more depreciation in a five year period than what most astute Developers are enjoying.

The V360 real estate vision is powered by an economic framework + development model with a 15 year history that delivers 3.5 times more depreciation in the initial five year of operation, than well advised developers are enjoying. This represents a material change in the economic viability of commercial real estate!

Real Estate + Urban Growth + Infrastructure + AI Based Ventures + Clean Energy + Oil & Gas

Urban Growth Vision

Cities In High-Growth Markets Are Facing Tremendous Pressure From Urban Sprawl + New Housing Demand 

As an urban planning advisory, we are putting a new definition to sustainable real estate development. Our team will evaluate if we can provide a feasible plan with trade partners that positions your town with these benefits:
(1) Smart Growth: We can make you more attractive to Developers who will see 150% better financial performance by investing their capital in your city. 
(2) Capital Infusion: our team will evaluate if we can create an infusion of capital that if successful will grow your reserves.
(3) Capital Sourcing Via Private + Public Ventures.
(4) Creative Strategy To Increase Your Municipal Bond Capacity With No Negative Impact On Your Bond Rating.
(5) Power Conservation With The Recapture of 6% to 12% Of Your Present Energy Supply.
(6) Infrastructure Growth + Smart Grid + Smart Connected Roadways.

(7) Alliances to Grow Clean Renewable Energy Generation With Distributed Power Generation.
(8) Alliances to Reclaim Landfills + Resolve Waste Management.

The V360 urban planning vision is a self-funding engagement supported by a capital markets team, sustainable design team, tax team, blockchain + AI team. We bear the burden to fund a long-term growth engagement with early fiscal impact on the balance sheet, reserves, margins, and morale boost of your staff.

Real Estate + Urban Growth + Infrastructure + AI Based Ventures + Clean Energy + Oil & Gas

Infrastructure Vision

Our Infrastructure Vision Encompasses Capital Resources For Power, Water, Waste, Roadways, Schools, Civic & Community Engagement.  

Innovation and disruptive technologies are emerging into the market at the speed of light. Keeping up with the level of change is maddening to the amateurs who are not creators or innovators who have it in their DNA to build tools that go against the flow and create tomorrow’s economy. Our team is committed to developing alliances powered by workable, sustainable strategies that deliver on the pressing demands for more infrastructure. 

The V360 infrastructure vision is powered by trade and capital markets partners who like our leadership, sees great value in being positioned to meet the crisis that exists in high growth markets facing urban sprawl, housing demand which has handcuffed municipal energy planners. If we can take the pretense, piety and politics off the table, we envision great growth and return on capital through creative private public partnerships to finance infrastructure projects.

Real Estate + Urban Growth + Infrastructure + AI Based Ventures + Clean Energy + Oil & Gas

AI Based Ventures Vision

Most Every Astute Human On The Planet Has Greeted The New Frontier Of Artificial Intelligence With Mixed Emotions. There are great expectations and and significant concerns about how the power of AI will be used in the future. Employees, Student and Executives with pressing deadlines have experienced firsthand the immense power of AI.

Every global investment firm is racing to find and back the emerging market makers in the world of artificial intelligence. 
Innovation and disruptive technologies are emerging into the market at the speed of light. Keeping up with the level of change is maddening to the amateurs who are not creators or innovators who have it in their DNA to build tools that go against the flow and create tomorrow’s economy. Our team is committed to developing AI-Based ventures that keeps the sovereignty of the individual and personal freedom at the forefront of the AI revolution. 

The V360 infrastructure vision is powered by trade and capital markets partners who like our leadership, sees great value in being positioned to meet the crisis that exists in high growth markets facing urban sprawl, housing demand which has handcuffed municipal energy planners. If we can take the pretense, piety and politics off the table, we envision great growth and return on capital through creative private public partnerships to finance infrastructure projects.

Real Estate + Urban Growth + Infrastructure + AI Based Ventures + Clean Energy + Oil & Gas

Clean Energy Vision

We Are Deeply Committed To Developing Ventures In The Clean, Renewable Energy Space That Are Economically Sustainable Without Tax Credits, Government Subsidies, Carbon Credits, etc.

When we engage in dialogue with sustainable energy planners, we ask it they are acquainted with the powerful story of the Reagan Library. It is a story that many don’t know, yet the library is 90% energy independent with annual cost savings of 10% from their prior spending. Our management team is comprised experienced professionals that are contrarian servant leaders who attract the trust of innovators. 

We anticipate being successful in addressing the energy supply crisis caused by early initatives that did not require a renewable energy operating company to be profitable on a fundamentally old-school economic basis. A basis of success without short-term feel good tax subsidies or artificial stimulation underwritten by the US Taxpayer.

While we are not guaranteed to succeed in our mission, there is one thing you can take to the bank as an underpinning of our ambitions is this market segment. We hope you find it interesting and important that our vision for meeting the energy supply shortfall is void of the new school economic basis where billions have been wasted in the last 12 + years. Naive leaders and poor planning is the cause of rolling energy blackouts and industries facing energy shortages that will progressively get worse in the next decade.

If you share our vision, reach out to us.

The V360 clean energy vision is powered by trade partners who see value in being positioned to finance energy production to solve the growing supply crisis with a holistic plan. One with proven processes and technologies that have been in the market for 30+ years. Every recommendation presented to our internal team is assessed by five critical factors:

(1) is the technology proven, scalable and durable? (2) what is the capital cost required to generate one megawatt of power? (3) is the technology high margin + economically viable? (4) does the clean power solution resolve the landfill + waste management problems? (5) and can we obtain permits within a reasonable timeline from the governing authorities to build and operate a production facility?

Real Estate + Urban Growth + Infrastructure + AI Based Ventures + Clean Energy + Oil & Gas

Traditional Oil
& Gas Vision

We Are Committed To Developing A Portfolio Of Oil & Gas Properties With An Invitation From Energy Veterans In The State Of Texas To Fund The Development of Large Scale, Early Stage Energy Projects With Conventional Reservoirs. The world economy and the growing fleet of electrical vehicles depend on the continual supply of traditional oil and gas, therefore new energy development will continue for decades. As our company expands into 2024, we will be sharing new development opportunities in traditional energy with expectations that being positioned for investment opportunities in this valuable market is a wise and prudent decision to make for our company, partners and the citizens who depend on the reliable supply of oil and gas.

If you share our vision, reach out to us.

The V360 traditional oil and gas vision is powered by trade and capital markets partners who see great value in being positioned to finance the growth of energy production to meet the energy supply crisis with traditional energy development. We are connected with Texas based colleagues who are old school energy veterans with 50+ properties that their team has evaluated and prepared for development by market makers. The leadership of energy firms accepted and moved on recommendations of our colleagues. However, given their long history of work in the industry, there remains significant undeveloped opportunities to leverage the data gathered by our colleagues with predictive analytics and intelligence.